
Showing posts from June, 2020

Last minute permission obtained - with lots of thanks!



This new logo, not only that it looks a lot more professional, but was also much easier to use in the post-production. I just wish that I would have thought about this version sooner. This way I had to redo half of my work, but I am now more happy with the way it came out.

List of sources

List of all Sources: Film strip img - Fire in the Amazon - Europe forests - Audience icon - Persona - Sophie Grogan Art for moodboard- Green mood board - Blood wood from “Inglorious Basterds” - Bloody woods - f0a-cd9a-4834-98ab-0688559390cb.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdl

Filming Locations - Moldovita (North Eastern Carpathians)

                Mid February 2020, after more protests and after the International media was finally offering fair news coverage on the wood mafia in Romania, I decided to go back and get more footage. This time I had to "infiltrate" myself around a group of people who work for the Forest County Council and from there I managed to "open some doors". The majority of people working for this authority are certainly aware of everything that happens but they cannot do much without the proper legislation in hand. The very last few - they cannot say much either because the corrupt system has spread almost like a disease and if they don't get a share, they will know a friend or a relative who does get one; so they do not talk. And even if they do, they would redirect you to a different "branch of thieves", most probably, the nearest "competitor". In simply trying to find out the truth, you will suddenly wake up in a "pointing-fingers" blame

Crossing the Carpathians - Tihuta & Mestecanis - altitude 2000m

Having 1 more day left until our return flight to London and knowing that the biggest deforestations happen in the mountains, we decided to head towards Bucovina. We've crossed the mountains and found more touristic landmarks, breathtaking landscapes and also...after venturing for a little while, we found the Holzindustrie Schweighofer - allegedly, the biggest foreign company exploiting hundreds of thousands, if not even millions cubic meters of illegal wood every year. Soundtrack by: Metalog - Fatal Extremes -

Filming Locations - Hoia-Baciu forest, Cluj-Napoca

Hoia Baciu as seen from above - We are still in the heart of Transylvania, heading back to Cluj-Napoca, where we are supposed to meet today (9th of November 2019) at 6:30PM, just before sunset, with Alex Surducan, the main founder and promoter of Hoia-Baciu Project. (  ) The meeting point is somewhere at the outskirts of the forest. We will also film a short interview. Video Soundtrack: Bisou - Industrial -

Filming Locations - Sighisoara

9th of November - 3:00 AM Myself and Emil have landed on Cluj-Napoca International Airport . We took a hire vehicle and started driving towards Brasov, to our destination, Sighisoara. We arrived there at around 6:00AM and we went straight to the main landmarks. As we had only 20 minutes maximum left until sunrise, in order to catch the best footage, we climbed the nearly 200 steps of the Medieval Staircase (the Scholar's Indoor Wooden Staircase) to reach the cemetery on the hill. Sighisoara - known as the City of Dracula, near the Carpathian Curvature Mountains. A medieval town with a very rich history and an abundance of tourists every year. Video Soundtrack: Yaka-anima - Urban Decadence -

Risk Assessment Form


Contributors and release forms

Emil Andries Alexandru Surducan  Tiberiu Bosutar 

Undercover investigation footage by EIA-International, 2015 (English video)




Risk Assessment and Documentation

The nature of the project realisation does not impose any particular risks. For the ethical development of it though, considering the fact that  a user testing will be conducted and that at least 2 actors will be involved,  it will be required for release and consent forms  to be signed by all the people taking part in this project.

Gantt Chart


User experience and the narrative according to the new plan

It is normal for the online user to engage superficially from an emotional point of view with any video content on the web, especially when a production lasts for only a few minutes. But, if the content is meaningful enough and well presented and cleverly organised in order to trigger certain emotions and cause moods or behaviours, then a short video can often prove to be more effective than a 2 hours documentary on the same subject. We will obviously start up with a sense of pertenece and familiarity. The user will be able to identify him/herself with the location, habits, interests and memorable events,  by being presented to the general current context of deforestations around the world  and hen slowly, to a “travel journal”-like succession of images from holidays in Transylvania. The jump into our topic will be made through an analogy between the bodies impaled by Count Dracula with blood dripping on tree trunks and the blood dripping on the wood logs shed by


There are 4 main events to form this video project: Introduction into the cultural context Zoom in to particularise on our location and gain audience familiarisation Clear presentation of our topic, including interviews Conclusion: Media involvement is still not enough

Mood Boards

While examining mood boards examples on the internet I came across a young artist's biography and web page. I found her work truly inspiring and of an incontestable uniqueness. Her name is Sophie Grogan and you can find out more about her and her art by following this link: I have repurposed Sophie Grogan's work on wood to create an initial mood board. Afterwards, I have designed a less personal, but still very relevant mood board.

The Bleeding Trees

Animated Poster

RECORDER Interview (English subtitles!)

        While I was researching, "digging" nearly as in an investigational mode, I happened to come across this video by Recorder, posted on youtube in October 2019, to find out a month later that the release of it has caused many violent offensives coming from the wood mafia towards any media disclosure and "disobedient" forest guards.

Slight Change of Plans..

                During my project research, the socio-political context in Romania has changed slightly and November 2019 has become the month of protests all over the country.                 People have gone out onto the streets shouting against the illegal deforestations which have caused more fatalities among some of the Forest Guard employees. Big and numerous acts of violence have happened as more empty square miles of forests have been found into the mountains.                 This would definitely make a more interesting topic for my project, without having to deviate too much from my initial idea. Especially now when the Romanian national media has announced that violence has also been directed towards a team from Netflix while they were filming, covering the exact same subject for an episode of "Broken" series. More sources and research: